Scientists are striving hard to make the COVID-19 vaccine available to the public that certainly needs some time. With the government lifting the lockdown slowly, certain regulations would have to be followed by businesses while welcoming their staff and public into their workplace in a safe way. To move ahead and learn to live with this pandemic, businesses need to look for workplace safety solutions. The companies will be able to do this while following social distancing rules and taking the necessary precautions to stop the transmission of COVID-19.

To adhere to the social distancing measures, companies can use floor decals that can help regulate the flow and amount of foot traffic by placing them at 6 feet (2 meters) distance. The decals are customizable and can be used in places such as entrance or checkout lanes, and can also direct the customers through the aisle in restaurants, grocery stores, hospitals, and other community spaces. These social distancing floor decals help attract people’s attention and also help in abiding by the social distancing and hygiene rules. Thus, investing in them is worth it as it will help reinforce a secure work environment.

Implementing Social Distancing at your Workspace

Amidst the coronavirus outbreak, there are some companies, which remained open while there are many who are planning to reopen their work premises. In any of the scenarios, it is essential to follow the World Health Organization’s recommendations for social distancing and hygiene measures, especially when your business is dealing with the public directly. For that reason, employers use decals keeping in mind the safety of your customers and staff. Make sure your social distancing plan includes the following steps:

  • Reorganize the layout of your workplace to ensure min 2-meter distance between people
  • Find out the spots where people usually gather such as the cafeteria and use floor decals to help maintain distance
  • Make sure all the people entering your office or store premises adhere to all health and precautionary measures.

Social distancing has become the new normal, but in a commercial setting, it can be hard for customers and employees to gauge the distances that need to be kept in order to comply with guidelines. You can use COVID-19 seat decals, which are used to mark the spots where people should sit and wait for their turn while maintaining social distance. Just like floor decals, they are also an important resource in retail stores, hospitals, and clinics, and other public areas to remind the public to follow social distancing. There are signboards at different places creating awareness and promoting the public to wear a mask, wash hands, and avoid touching their face.

Floor decals helping to make a difference

Companies providing essential services such as pharmacies, grocery stores, and hospitals must protect their patrons and patients. Using floor decals in-stores helps send a clear message about the importance of maintaining social distancing i.e., 6-feet distance from each other. Social distancing floor decals make it simple to control this without risking your employee’s health. The best part is that it comes in the form of stickers that are removable and easy to put up.

The current COVID-19 situation brought many challenges for not only businesses locally but also globally. Therefore, you need to take into consideration all the COVID-19 safety supplies to keep your customers and employees safe. Their health must be your top priority, and taking measures like the ones mentioned above will certainly make a difference for your business.

Let us all do our bit

In this time of pandemic, let each of us make an effort to keep our employees and customers safe. This way, we are not only protecting our employees and customers but also our family and community from the spread of the coronavirus. Maintaining social distance has proved to be the effective method to get rid of the virus. By using floor decals to maintain distance between individuals, you’re doing your part as a responsible business owner to keep everyone around healthy and safe during the pandemic.